A project part funded by the European Regional Development Fund in partnership with South Kesteven District Council, North Kesteven District Council, the National Trust and the Environment Agency.
Blue Green Corridor

Protecting and preserving our environment

European Union South Kesteven District Council North Kesteven District Council National Trust Environmental Agency

Protecting and preserving our environment

Useful Links

River Restoration Projects

Gravel Introduction River Restoration Projects

Berm Creation River Restoration Projects

River Restoration Projects involving Hinging

River Restoration Projects involving Bank Softening

Habitat Creation

Wildflower Meadows


Riparian Tree Management

Flora and Fauna




Invasive Non-Native Plant Species

Reports and Useful Information


Funding Partners

Supportive Partners


  • Broadmeadow, S. and Nisbet, T. (2004). The effects of riparian forest management on the freshwater environment: a literature review of best management practice. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 8(3), pp.286-305.
  • Dodds, W. and Whiles, M. (2019). Chapter 5 - Hydrology and Physiography of Wetland Habitats. Freshwater Ecology (Third Edition),pp.95-120.
  • Feber, R., Smith, H. and MacDonald, D. (1996). The Effects on Butterfly Abundance of the Management of Uncropped Edges of Arable Fields. The Journal of Applied Ecology, 33(5), p.1191-1205.
  • Platt, R., Rowntree, R. and Muick, P. (1994). The ecological city: Preserving and restoring urban biodiversity. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press. pp. 172 - 187.
  • Rackham, O. (1986). The History of the Countryside. J.M. Dent & Sons.
  • Thompson (2018). Pool-Riffle Sequences. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences.