Closed tenders and contracts awarded
Please note this is now closed - Contract Awarded to Clixbys Ltd
South Kesteven District Council wishes to invite tenders for the supply of Goods and Works in respect of design and delivery of wetland creation works at Queen Elizabeth Park, Grantham. A specialist contractor is required to deliver design and works for habitat improvements through groundwater-fed pool and wildflower meadow creation works, along with delivering volunteering opportunities through the works. The successful supplier must facilitate volunteer engagement with the project through participating through the works which is a mandatory requirement of this tender. The specification document outline the details and expectations for this.
The aims and objectives of this contract are:
• To enhance ecological value at Queen Elizabeth Park, Grantham. Details of the project are provided in Document 2.
Works include:
Design and build and delivery of:
• Groundwater-fed pool creation
• Wildflower meadow creation
• Volunteer engagement
The project will use a JCT Design and Build Contract 2016.
express interest and access tender documents, please click here
to visit the website.
Please note this is now closed - Contract Award to A.G.A Group
The Council wishes to invite tenders for the supply of Goods and Works concerning two specific projects, where the bidder must deliver both requirements.
These include:
Ramp Installation and Footpath Upgrade Works at Lollycocks Field, Sleaford. A specialist contractor is required to deliver ramp installation, footpath upgrade, fence and gate installation, and; Footpath Upgrade works alongside the River Slea from NGR TF 0591945946 to TF 0557445899, Sleaford. A specialist contractor is required to deliver these works.
To express interest and access tender documents, please click here here to visit the website.
Please note this is now closed
- Belton Parkland In-channel Contract Awarded to Lions
- Stonebridge In-channel Contract Awarded to River Stewardship Company
The Council wishes to invite tenders for the supply of goods and Works in respect of two Lots concerning: 1. In channel habitat creation and improvement works for the River Witham, Grantham.
A specialist contractor is required to deliver in-channel habitat creation, along with delivering volunteering opportunities, and; 2. in-channel improvement and floodplain reconnection works for the River Witham at Belton Parkland, Grantham. A specialist contractor is required to deliver environmental improvements through bank lowering works, in-channel blockage creation, in-channel tree hinging, scrape creation, beaver analogue dam creation and floodplain woody material placement.
The projects are match funded by the European Structural Investment Fund under their European Regional Development Fund funding stream, and the SKDC is required to follow the grant funders route to market and procurement thresholds.
The aims and objectives of this contract are:
• Lot 1 - To enhance ecological value along the River Witham at Stonebridge Close and Sedgwick Meadows, Grantham.
• Works include:
• Berm creation
• Coir roll installation
• Woody deflector installation
• Gravel introduction
• Berm repair and planting
• Volunteer Engagement
• Lot 2 – To enhance ecological value along the River Witham through floodplain reconnection at Belton Parkland, Grantham.
• Works include:
• Tree Hinging
• Bank Lowering
• In-channel woody material installation
• Floodplain woody material installation
• Beaver Dam Analogue Creation using post and faggots
• Scrape creation
To express interest and access tender documents, please visit use South Kesteven as the buying organisation in the search opportunities section on the website
Please note this is now closed
The Council wishes to invite tenders for the supply of goods and works in respect of in channel habitat creation and improvement works for the River Witham, Grantham. A specialist contractor is required to deliver habitat improvement and creation through bank softening and in channel works, including berm installation and tree hinging, along with delivering volunteering opportunities through the works.
This requirement is separate to the previous tender that went out - 'River Slea and River Witham In-Channel Habitat Creation and Improvement, Sleaford and Grantham, Lincolnshire' on 8th April 2022. The project could not be included in the previous tender due to restrictions and amendments delaying the Flood Permit.
The project is match funded by the European Structural Investment Fund under their European Regional Development Fund funding stream, and the SKDC is required to follow the grant funders route to market and procurement thresholds.
The aims and objectives of this contract are:
• To enhance ecological value along the River Witham at Queen Elizabeth Park, Grantham.
Works include:
• Berm creation
• Tree hinging
• Tree Works
• Volunteer Engagement
To express interest and access tender documents, please visit use South Kesteven as the buying organisation in the search opportunities section on the website
Please note this is now closed - Contract Awarded to Lions
South Kesteven District Council wishes to invite tenders for the supply of goods and works in respect of in channel habitat creation and improvement works for the River Slea, Sleaford, and River Witham, Grantham, Lincolnshire.
A specialist contractor is required to deliver five specific tasks as outlined in the tender documents including focusing on tasks such as habitat improvement and creation through bank softening and in channel works, including berm installation, tree hinging and bank reprofiling works, along with delivering volunteering opportunities through the works which is a mandatory requirement.
The project is match funded by the European Structural Investment Fund under their European Regional Development Fund funding stream, and the SKDC is required to follow the grant funders route to market and procurement thresholds. The Council appoint just one contractor to provide all aspects of the requirements.
To express interest and access tender documents, please use reference number DN588393 or under South Kesteven as the buying organisation in the search opportunities section on the website:
Please note this is now closed - Contract Awarded to Hill Holt Wood
South Kesteven District Council Invite Tenders for Habitat Creation and Improvement works, and Volunteer Engagement at Learning Provision at Lollycocks Field Nature Reserve (LNR) and Local Wildlife Site (LWS). Eastgate Road, Sleaford, as part of the Witham/ Slea Blue Green Corridor Project.
The project is match funded by the European Structural
Investment Fund under their European Regional Development Fund funding stream,
and the SKDC is required to follow the grant funders route to market and
procurement thresholds.
The aims/objectives of this contract are to enhance ecological value through:
- the development of a hedgerow on the boundary between Lollycocks and Eastgate Road
- the refurbishment of a scrape located on the site
- the development of 2 smaller scrapes to accompany the existing scrape
- marginal works around the pond edge
- grassland management to enhance the grasslands located on the site
- increasing wild flowers on the site
- woodland management
- habitat creation for birds, bats, small mammals, invertebrates and amphibians
- installation of a boardwalk
- community engagement on the site and through providing education to young people using the works carried out on the site.
express interest or access tender documents, please use reference DN585868 in
the search opportunities section on the below website: