A project part funded by the European Regional Development Fund in partnership with South Kesteven District Council, North Kesteven District Council, the National Trust and the Environment Agency.
Blue Green Corridor

Protecting and preserving our environment

European Union South Kesteven District Council North Kesteven District Council National Trust Environmental Agency

Protecting and preserving our environment

Grantham Consultations

Witham/Slea Blue Green Corridor and QEP Consultation 

The current consultation closed on the 6th June, please see below to view the downloadable consultation material. The results of the consultation are being processed and will be updated here when they become available.

The Witham/Slea Blue Green corridor project is an exciting new partnership project funded by the European Regional Development Fund, South Kesteven District Council, North Kesteven District Council, Environment Agency, and National Trust, designed to restore and reconnect the river and river corridors through the urban reaches of both Grantham and Sleaford. 

The project will focus on improving ecological connectivity by regenerating the rivers and river side habitats running through both towns, for the adaptability and resilience of the ecosystems, biodiversity, and the local and visiting populations.

This is the first of a series of consultations about the blue green corridor project. Subsequent consultations will focus on other green spaces along the river corridor route of the urban reaches of the River Witham as it flows through Grantham. 

The riverside walk here in Grantham is an important commuting route that links three distinct and valuable urban parks - Dysart, Wyndham, and Queen Elizabeth, plus other valuable urban green spaces at Stonebridge close and Sedgwick Meadows. By enhancing and improving the habitat within the blue green corridor, this project will be providing food, shelter, and spawning / nesting sites for both aquatic and terrestrial wildlife, as well as a network of routes for their movement up and down the river corridor.  

Improvements will also provide an aesthetically pleasing, species rich and diverse route, and high-quality destinations along that route, for the residents and visiting populations of Grantham to enjoy. High quality green spaces have long been regarded as essential for maintaining our physical and mental health; this has been even more significant during the COVID-19 pandemic as our outdoor spaces become an invaluable resource for exercising, recreation and building resilience during some of our bleakest hours.

Our vison for Grantham is to develop green spaces ranging from formal parks, sweeping meadows, wetlands and wooded regions all connected by a species rich, healthy, and vibrant blue river corridor with adjoining riverside walk. 

As an urban park adjacent to the River Witham, Queen Elizabeth Park is ideally placed to benefit from the environmental restoration opportunities this project offers. The introduction of wetland features, lowland floodplain meadows, hay meadows and in-channel berms will compliment works already being undertaken within the park, as well as other river corridor restorations and enhancements, so that we can provide an environment that is both aesthetically pleasing as well as being species rich and diverse.

Consultation Survey

The survey is now closed (on 6th June 2021)

Informative Posters

Please click on the links below to download PDF versions of the information boards on display at Wyndham Park visitors centre from 10th May to 6th June.