Photo by Andrew Chick
Other partners, stakeholders and supporting groups include, but are not restricted to:
Lincolnshire Rivers Trust
Lincolnshire Rivers Trust is a small charity, established with the sole purpose of protecting, enhancing and restoring Lincolnshire's diverse watercourses and wetlands for wildlife and for the people to appreciate and enjoy.
From delivering river habitat enhancment projects with our dedicated volunteer team, to working in local schools, enthusing the next generation about the importance of rivers and the amazing wildlife that make rivers their home, we aim to connect communties with their local watercourses.
Working in partnership with other organisations we are striving to not only improve the health of the river, but also the health and well-being of the people who live, work and play in and alongside them.
For more information about their work visit their website on

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is a wildlife conservation charity that cares for Lincolnshire's wildlife and countryside.
They look after nearly 100 nature reserves, protecting existing wild areas as well as restoring and creating wildlife habitats to contribute to healthy functioning ecosystems resilient to climate change.
Furthermore, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust encourage and educate communities to enjoy and conserve Lincolnshire's natural environment with almost 28,000 members and over 1000 volunteers.
For more information about their work visit their website on
Wild Trout Trust
We are a conservation charity that focuses on practical work to improve habitat for trout across the UK and Ireland.
Although we are a small team, we have a big impact because we work in partnership with Rivers Trusts, Wildlife Trusts, local conservation volunteer groups, fishing clubs, landowners, Government Agencies and many more.
Our role in these partnerships is to provide expert advice and practical project delivery as well as to inspire others and give them the advice and practical skills to improve and maintain their lake or river for the benefit of trout and all wildlife.
For more information about their work visit their website on

Friends of Queen Elizabeth Park

The Friends of Queen Elizabeth Park (FQEP) was established in January 2018 with similar objectives as the WPF.
The FQEP is a constituted group of volunteers, who work with SKDC, the Grounds Maintenance Contractor, other key partner organisations, statutory and voluntary organisations and the local community in the improvement of Queen Elizabeth Park, to safeguard the quality of the facility and promote civic and community pride in the urban environment.
As Queen Elizabeth Park is a country park the focus is to restore, create and maintain a range of semi-natural habitats (meadow, wet woodland, riverside, hedgerow, ponds) in keeping with the local context of the Upper Witham floodplain while maximising native biodiversity within each.
The aim is also to acquire a Green Flag for this park. The base of volunteers is growing steadily and activities are mainly maintenance related, with opportunities also to help with wildlife surveys etc.
For more information on the FQEP have a look at their website:
And Facebook page:
Dysart Park Action Group
The Dysart Park Action Group is a small group of volunteers who have formed to represent the community in protecting the beautiful Victorian park called Dysart Park. The aim of the group is to ensure that the community voice is heard in how the park is managed and improved.
The highlight of the group’s activities is to arrange events at the park for fundraising purposes and to ensure that there are opportunities for families to enjoy a day out without too much expense. Two main events now take place at the park; the annual Family Fun Day and the Gingerbread Man Race, both of which are well attended by the community.
For more informtation on about their work visit

Wyndham Park Forum

Established in 2005 the Wyndham Park Forum (WPF) is a constituted group of volunteers, who work with SKDC, the Grounds Maintenance Contractor, other key partner organisations, statutory and voluntary organisations and the local community in the improvement of Wyndham Park, to safeguard the quality of the facility and promote civic and community pride in the urban environment. A principal aim was to achieve a Green Flag for the park, which was first awarded in 2012 – and annually since then.
Many of the park’s Green Flag-winning attractions would simply not be the same without the volunteers’ efforts, hosting in the new visitor centre, setting up and stewarding events, manning stalls and even wading into the scenic River Witham for Rivercare duties. Maintenance activities are also carried out on a regular basis.
The Wyndham Park Forum have successfully applied for grants and funding to complete various improvement projects. For more details please see the website:
Grantham RiverCare
Grantham RiverCare is a Keep Britain Tidy project supported by Anglian Water.
Established in 2004, this community volunteer group undertakes regular litter collections along the River Witham as it runs through Grantham.
It also undertakes habitat management , wildlife surveys and water quality testing.
RiverCare BeachCare (East Anglia) is also a Keep Britain Tidy project funded by Anglian Water. It currently supports 50 local community groups which litter pick, undertake citizen science projects and act as local guardians of their local watercourse or beach.
For more information about their work, visit , or visit their facebook page on
Sleaford Navigation Trust

Sleaford Navigation Trust, a registered charity, was originally formed as a society in 1977 to conserve, restore and make fully navigable the waterway from Chapel Hill to Sleaford, whilst promoting the use of adjoining towpaths and footpaths.
The Trust aims to encourage more people to visit and appreciate the navigation whether they arrive by narrowboat, cruiser, canoe, bike or on foot. We want to help them understand the historic importance of the waterway to the prosperity of Sleaford and we also acknowledge the role it can still play in benefit to the town. Rural tourism is an important part of the local economy but of equal importance is the opportunity for the improved well-being of visitors and local people.
Working with other organisations, we have undertaken projects to improve biodiversity and habitat as well as create additional amenities for boaters. Our volunteers undertake regular work parties to maintain structures and manage vegetation appropriately.
For more information about the Trust visit
or visit their Facebook page at