There are lots of learning resources online for home learning, but the difficulty can be finding them!
A brief overview of some of the websites used here with great home learning resources:
- has lots of great learning resources, including some free packs made specifically for learning at home. Below some links have been included to learning resources and activities from that highlight river processes and ecosystems.
- This website has a lot of great information, set out in a clear and attention-grabbing way to make it easy to learn, and provides quizzes to test that knowledge. Below are some links for parents and children to use to learn about river processes and habitats, as well as the wildlife most likely found in a river environment.
- The canal and river trust website have a whole section on learning from home resources. Some of these resources have been included below to learn more about river habitats and wildlife.
- This website has a lot of great information and worksheets on river landforms and processes to try at home. Below are some links to river related worksheets.
- The royal geographical society has lots of learning resources for working from home. Below are some links to some river related activities that parents and children can try at home.
- This website provides some great educational quizzes. Below are links to relevant educational quizzes linking to river environments.
Key Stage 1:
River Related
- Oceans, lakes and rivers quiz
- Video showing the course of a river
- Summary of river landforms + quiz

Wyndham Park, Grantham
Habitat Related
- World oceans day wordsearch
- Nature walk scavenger hunt and naming common items in nature
Grizzled Skipper Butterfly
Wildlife Related
- Plants
- Animals key vocabulary and matching animal groups
- Sunflower life cycle
- Science learning from home, identifying common animals, identify carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, identifying structure of common animals
- Plants learning from home, growing and predicting plant growth and describing life cycle
Key Stage 2:
River Related
- What a river is
- Top facts
- Matching pictures to places
- River words
- Rivers quiz
- Rivers Quiz
- Summary of river landforms + quiz
River Witham, Grantham
- Water cycle board game and questions and answers about the water cycle
- Overview of river facts and features
- Rivers crossword
- River facts worksheet
- UK rivers wordsearch
- Rivers of Britain worksheet
- Longest rivers in the world worksheet
- Key river vocabulary
Habitat Related
- Creatures in layers of the ocean - match layers of the ocean with where animals live
- 6 worksheets at the bottom of this online booklet
- The earth’s surface - colouring and features of the earth and moon
- The shape of the land - labelling landscape diagram and drawing landscapes
- Investigating landscapes - drawing landscapes based on activities
- A wet planet - drawing pictures to match the water related word and write their state (solid, liquid or gas)
- The effects of water - drawing plants and animals and completing facts about their lives
- Recording water - process of rainwater movement by a house (colour and cut and stick)
- Canal habitats
- Build a canal - history of land and development of canals
Wildlife Related
- Roll and draw plant game - learn names of parts of plants
- The life cycle of flowering plants - learn the stages of the plant life cycle
- Classifying organisms
- Living things jigsaw - matching questions to answers

Grey Heron
- Wild bird identification and facts
- Animals in different habitats
- Match birds to their adaptations
- Classifying minibeasts
- Identifying producers and consumers
- Matching water birds to their descriptions
- Food chains
- Animals and creatures that live in rivers and waterways
Key Stage 3:
River Related
- River landscapes quiz
- River landscapes quiz
- Water cycle quiz
- The water cycle, river terminology and river landforms
River Slea, Sleaford
- Video on flooding, case study of Somerset in 2013/14
- River features, match picture to word
- Drawing the journey of a river à Activity and examples of pupils work
- Flooding flow chart
- Answers at the end of the lesson 2 flooding factsheet -
- Examples of students work -
- Question and answer on river features
- Summary of river processes and landforms
- Global rivers, the Nile, Amazon River and Colorado River
- Information on floodplains
- River landform overview
River Witham, Grantham
- River Landforms - Estuaries and deltas, valleys and gorges, waterfalls and rapids.
- River Processes - Oxbow Lakes, How rivers form
- Water cycle
- How waterfalls form worksheet
- Testing river vocabulary definitions
- River vocabulary unscramble
- River vocabulary unscramble with answers around edge
- A-Z river words (vocabulary) and answers
- Labelling river features worksheet
- Water cycle
- Map reading
Habitat Related
- Rock cycle modelling with chocolate à describing different types of rocks and their processes
- What is a living thing
- Food chains
- specifically the Energy pyramid, what is a food chain and what is a food web -,,
Wildlife Related
- Plants + plant quiz
- Invertebrates - most likely for river environments - what is an invertebrate, arthropods, centipedes and millipedes, worms, slugs and snails, shells and exoskeletons
- Badgers – specifically Eurasian badger

Common Chiffchaff
- Bats
- Insect eaters (hedgehogs, moles and shrews)
- Otters – specifically Eurasian river otters
- Amphibians + amphibian quiz
- Insects + insect quiz
- Birds - most likely for river environments - kingfishers, songbirds, swans, waterfowl, what is a bird, how a bird hatches, birds’ nests + bird quiz
- Fish - most likely for river environments àbreeding salmon, Coloration in fish, eels, fish eggs, fish feeding, how fish breathe, how fish swim, what is a fish + fish true of false quiz
Key Stage 4: GCSE
River Slea, Sleaford
River Related
- River movement and erosion quiz
- River profiles quiz
- River valleys quiz
- Rock types and landscape quiz
- What is a river quiz
- At GCSE level the content can depend on the exam board. This can be chosen at These are the rivers modules for each exam board:
- AQA -
- CCEA -
- Edexcel (less specific towards river environments) -
- Eduqas -
- OCR -
- WJEC -
- Other -
Habitat Related
- Ecosystem quiz
- Managing ecosystems quiz
Wildlife Related
- Invasive species quiz
- Wildlife corridors quiz